Well... to be honest, the problem with having a blog for this trip to England is that, unlike my last trip to England, I'm not moving about every week, seeing new places and people. While I am having quite a bit of fun, I'm doing a decent amount of work as well, and generally spend my days in the same sort of ways - it makes for a fun life, but a boring blog.
But, since I wanted to "update" you all, here's what's been going on over here:
My toaster died yesterday - I put in my morning muffins whilst getting ready for class and - pop, spark, smoke - the thing popped the fuse. Sadly, I discovered a moment later that said fuse was for every single fricking outlet in the flat - everything except the overhead light and the heaters was gone - and this includes my fridge and freezer. I went upstairs to one of the common rooms to blow dry my hair and called James - although he was as ambivalent again on the phone as he was about my window, he must've learned his lesson last time, because he was here at 4PM, flipped the fuse (it's in a box hidden away in the odd little "hallway" room between my room and the hallway, up against the ceiling), and even brought me a new toaster - a big shiny black one that does four pieces at a time. I'm wondering what else I could "accidently" break in order to get an upgrade.
For all those who were wondering, I still have my American accent - there are just too many different variations on the "British" accent once you get over here to actually successfully mimic one - no matter what adaptations of Dickens and Austen would have you think. I'm falling into a British cadence of speaking, but I'm still quite American sounding. Whilst discussing what "British" things I should bring back to the states for Christmas, however, we passed by a bunch of typical British girls out for a night on the town: massively drunk and wearing, basically, gynecological robes. They told me to bring a scantily-clad girl back, to give everyone the true English experience, but I promised I'd do better, and simply dress like them, get massively plastered on the plane ride home, and stagger off the plane screeching, "MUMMY, DahDddy! Ah'm hoouuuwmme!"
Dylan Moran was in town for one night of his tour - we managed to get tickets, only after continually forgetting about it and putting it off, then finally wandering over to the BIC to get tickets on the one day this past week that seriously felt like hurricane weather - torrential rain, winds that nearly knocked you off your feet, and absolutely freezing temperatures. Of course, it's been lovely every other day this week...
That said, the show was fantastic - here's a clip of his standup if you've never seen his work. Very funny guy. If you have an hour or two free, just watch everything on youtube by him.
Afterwards, we went out for noodles and dessert (Mmm... chocolate fudge cake) and, in the course of the evening, it came out that nobody at the table (save myself) had ever seen "A Christmas Story". Needless to say, once December rolls around, we will be educating the British in quality American holiday films.
For Kristi - I got myself a Strongbow at the interval and thought of you. :) I was about halfway through it when 5 minutes were called - Ciaran asked if they needed to help me finish and I rather wish you had been there to give him a sarcastic laugh (I did it for you) - the drink was gone 2 minutes later. (Need help finishing my Strongbow, hah!)
And my early Christmas package arrived this morning - I wasn't sure why I was getting an ebay package from Missouri, until I opened it to find the Muppet Christmas Carol. Man, December is going to be GOOD TIMES for movie nights around here. :)
1 comment:
BEWARE: English cadence + American accent = Irish. Not real Irish of course, but a lot of people asked me if I was. (Is it the freckles or the heavy drinking that did it?)
Also, good clip. I also watched the one on Germans, though Nazi jokes make me uncomfortable now. But yes, English comedy clubs are great.
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