Happy St. Patrick's Day!
So... apparently, the whole custom of "wear green, or else you'll get pinched!"... not so much here in the UK. I purposefully set out my green hoodie that is covered in swirls that look rather like four-leaf clovers last night, knowing that - as I had to be up and out the door pretty early to get in to class - I would forget. Turns out, I was pretty much the only person wearing green in the class. (Fortunately, I asked whether it was a tradition in the UK or not before I just started pinching people. Though, the looks they gave me at "Wear green, or I pinch you!" were probably about the same level of "What are you, nuts?" as if I had just gone around pinching willy-nilly)
In other random funny vaguely Irish stories, Abigail and I were discussing a friend of hers from camp who, randomly, lived near Ciaran growing up. Her friend had told her that he slept a lot growing up, to which Abigail responded that he still sleeps a lot. To be fair, he works during the night and sleeps during the day. "Come to that," I said jokingly, "I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Ciaran is actually a vampire." This led to a long discussion of Irish vampires, the awkward branch of the vampire family tree that nobody really talks about. (In books and movies, after all, they're generally always either vaguely Germanic or "from-somewhere,-but-talk-with-a-British/American-accent-anyway,-because-we-hired-the-actor-for-looks,-not-for-vocal-training,-and-frankly-no-one-wants-to-hear-Brad-Pitt-massacre-an-Irish-accent") What's the best way to escape an Irish vampire, you might be interested to learn? Not a silver bullet, not a stake through the heart...
Garlic Potatoes.
In other news, I *voluntarily* opened my windows yesterday, because it was an absolutely gorgeous day out and - surprisingly - not horrifically cold! (Even more "sign of the impending Apocalypse?" - Julia came down later and closed them, because it was getting "too cold"!)

1 comment:
Ah yes but is your fan repaired yet??? of what catastrophic world event might this be a sign?? Or is it aliens??? Hmmmmmmmm
Hope you got some good pinches in before the jig was up so to speak.
-your Mums
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