24 September 2008

Pretty Fall Arrived!

So, while I was home for the weekend (by which I mean Sunday, since we had a work call on Saturday), apparently autumn arrived in Seattle. It's not as though it was broiling hot on Saturday or anything, but there was definitely something more fall-y today: a crispness to the air, a few leaves changing color, and - yes - a large pile of dead leaves right outside the gates at Intiman. (And yes, I made sure to walk through them, to enjoy the crunching noise they make)
This really psychs me out, since that means that, officially, the last season I had to count down before leaving has just started - fall, after all, means back to school! :)

08 September 2008

The Final Countdown

(Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?)

Well, I'm down to the final weeks before I head off for England - I posted Tristram Shandy's chapter on instructions for memoir readers on the 6th (I leave October 6th), and I'm writing today on the first Monday of the month (again, one month away) 

I'm actually writing onboard the Kitsap ferry, officially being able to claim that I have now commuted to work via ferry at least once. 

I'll be working at Seattle Repertory Theatre on All the King's Men up until the last Friday before I leave - I was nervous about doing this at first, thinking that I had so much I had to do - having gotten nearly all of that list done during Labor Day weekend, I'm very, very glad to have something to fill my last few days, so I'm not sitting at home, counting down the minutes. That said, I do have evenings and weekends free, and would love to see everyone before I head out. 

07 September 2008

The Life and Opinions of Bonnie Prather, Gentlewoman

I have undertaken, you see, to write not only my life, but my opinions also; hoping and expecting that your knowledge of my character, and of what kind of mortal I am, by the one, would give you a better relish for the other: As you proceed farther with me, the slight acquaintance, which is now beginning betwixt us, will grow into familiarity; and that, unless one of us is in fault, will terminate in friendship. - O diem proeclarum! - then nothing which has touched me will be thought trifling in its nature, or tedious in its telling. Therefore, my dear friend and companion, if you should think me somewhat sparing of my narrative on my first setting out - bear with me, and let me go on, and tell my story my own way: - Or, if I should seem now and then to trifle upon the road, - or should sometimes put on a fool's cap with a bell to it, for a moment or two as we pass along, - don't fly off, - but rather courteously give me credit for a little more wisdom than appears upon my outside; - and as we jog on, either laugh with me, or at me, or in short, do anything, - only keep your temper.

- The Life and Opinions of Bonnie Prather, Gentlewoman
(with help from and thanks to Tristram Shandy and Lawrence Sterne)