"Well, quite."
I received my first box of mailed books on Monday, then nothing for Tuesday - odd, since I mailed off five boxes at the same time. Wednesday I received a note saying that I had six boxes waiting for me at the post office, since no one was here to sign for them. (grumble) Since it was after 5:30, I decided to cross my fingers that someone would be here today. No such luck. It was, however, only just 5:00, so I raced down the street to Lansdowne roundabout - obviously, there was no way I was carting six 20 lb boxes back to my flat, but I could grab one and have a movie to watch tonight. (Plus, I don't have class tomorrow, so I'll be able to be here to sign for the remaining five) Unfortunately, the crossing was not kind to DVD cases. While most are... basically unscathed, many have had massive cracks along the edges, making them unable to close, or at least with giant gaping holes along the top. I checked inside and all the DVD's seemed to have stayed in position, however, meaning that they're all still fine and watchable...
with the one notable exception of Blackadder series four - the WWI episodes. The top of the plastic case on that side was torn off entirely, making the case unable to close. This must've twisted that end of the DVD case, because the disk has been massively cracked alongside its inner ring, making it unable to even insert into a DVD player, much less play.
The heartbreaking thing is that this is my favourite of the five disks - I honestly wouldn't have cared a whit if the first series had broken (I don't think I've ever even put it in), and while I love two, three, and five, the WWI episodes are the ones I return to again and again and again - and not just for Hugh Laurie in drag. (Although that Georgina is pretty bloody fantastic) It's not just for Darling (cue the facial twitch), for Stephan Fry's brilliant portrayal of the absolutely idiotic, not for Baldrick's cooking... or poetry ("Boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom. Boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom"), or even for the fact that for an absolutely brilliant comedy series, the ending ALWAYS makes me bawl like a baby.
Anyway, the broken disk is sitting by itself over in the kitchen area - I don't have the heart to throw it away just yet, so it's sitting under an RIP card and my silk daffodil.
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