I was interested to get out of the country for election time (well relieved, really, knowing that the attack ads were just going to get worse and certain candidates were just going to keep saying stupider and stupider things ["for purposes of confidentiality, let's call her S. Palin... no, too obvious... Sarah P."] ), but yes - also interested to see what the rest of the world thinks of us as we embark on choosing a new leader. I decided early on that I wouldn't bring up the elections unless someone specifically asked me about them, determined not to be that obnoxious political American.
I knew going in that the rest of the world favored Obama - but I have to say, at least from my little corner of the world, that I completely underestimated. I have yet to meet a single person who wants McCain to win. When the conversation turns to American elections, I am given a serious, deadly look, a quiet "who are you going to vote for?", then a huge, massive smile when I say Obama. Five different people have asked, "Do you actually know anyone who is voting for McCain?" The rhetoric of McCain = Bush really, REALLY connected over here, and well... although the Brits are starting to admit that we can't blame Bush for EVERYTHING (say, the dinosaurs dying out or the Scary Movie franchise), there's a LOT of pent up aggression there.
And the funny thing is, as you would expect, we get basically NONE of the everyday news stories over here (well, those who actually have a tele and watch the news might get a little more than I do, but...) nobody seems to care or let on that Palin sat back and let SNL make fun of her to her face, nobody knows about the "Ayers" connection, or ACORN, nobody gives a crap who the hell Joe the Plumber is (or if he's even a real plumber), etc. (Though Laura did ask why anyone would be flattered to be called a "Joe Six-Pack", and Ciaran wanted to know why Palin would want to be compared to a pitbull) The day to day minutia that the talking heads love to sit and debate about for hours (No flag pin?!? HE'S A WITCH!!) is not involved in the equation at all. Yet the amazing point is that most of the college students here (17 year olds, mind) can debate American politics and the proposals made by both candidates with me really, sickeningly well. I think it's a rather sad state of affairs when 17 year olds who don't even live in that country know more about its potential leaders than adults actually living in said country. Hm.
In order to counteract that sad last point, I leave you with a clip that never fails to make me smile when I consider American elections (just ignore the first few moments if you've never watched the show).
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