20 November 2008

"A Play is Play"

I managed to get home without picking up muslin from the millinery closet. But I had a vision, I had an assignment, and I wasn't going to let a little thing like "not having materials" stand in my way. (I didn't for the garbage fashion show, did I?)
So, here is my "dualism" costume, done on my Ikea bodyform, made entirely out of paper towels. (I started with Kleenex, but it wasn't nearly strong enough for experimentation - besides, my sinus infection is still hanging around, so I need them)

Basic top and bottom - button up, collared, cap-sleeved shirt and long trousers. 

Added overskirt - with kimono/bustle back

And - ta-dah! - a few snaps unsnapped, some wiggling, and two rows of snap-tape snapped up, and - 

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hi Bon-
good work !! (I think)
good fun.....who thought the little IKEA man would be so useful.
Looking forward to seeing you soon -
Love, Mums